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Preparing For Your Appointment

You booked your first appointment. Now what?
These simple tips will help to ensure that my visit with your pet(s) goes as smooth and stress free as possible.
  1. Provide me with any important information ahead of time. If I have never seen your pet before, it is very helpful to know if they have any issues related to nail trimming or grooming in general. For example, do they have issues with their feet being touched? Have they had a bad experience with nail trims in the past? Have they ever tried to bite a groomer/vet/pet service professional in the past? Do they have any health conditions that I need to be aware of? 

  2. If your pet is in need of medical sedation, and you have discussed this with your vet, please remember to administer the medication at the proper time prior to my arrival. Also, please inform me that you have given a sedative to you pet.

  3. For dogs, make sure they are wearing a collar. 

  4. For dogs, let them out to use the bathroom. Also, a nice long walk or play time will help get rid of a lot of excess energy. A tired dog is a relaxed and less stressed dog. 

  5. For dogs, have a NON RETRACTABLE leash and your pet’s favorite treats handy. Providing some extra special treats during my visit will make it a positive experience.

  6. For cats, have a large bath towel easily ready. Depending on how your cat reacts to nail trimming, I may ask for a bath towel to comfortably wrap your kitty in a “Purr-ito!”

  7. For cats, if your cat is shy or afraid of people, please have them in a carrier or relaxing in a small room (a bathroom is a great option) prior to my arrival. This will ensure that you are able to quickly and easily locate your kitty for their nail trimming. Another idea is to block off rooms with hard to reach hiding places. 

  8. Animals are like people and have different personalities. We all have good days and bad days. Not every appointment will go smoothly, especially for dogs who don't really care for having their nails trimmed. That is okay and expected. I will work with your pet and try a different technique to make them more comfortable.

  9. RELAX! Take a deep breath. I come to your house because taking your pets elsewhere is stressful for them and can be stressful for you. Our pets will react to our stress and anxiety. The less stressed and nervous you are, the less stressed your pet will be.

  10. If you have questions, please ask! I love sharing my knowledge to help others take care of their furry friends.

  11. Like and follow me on Facebook. This is where I post important announcements, educational facts, fun tidbits, photos and more!

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